A Travellerspoint blog

Preparing for the trip. Dec. 19th-Dec. 24th

Well, the week of December 19th to 24th was somewhat stressful. You know, Murphy's law. So, for beginners, Tom has a history of dental problems, sensitive teeth and gums that are prone to infection. On Tuesday, December 20th Tom called me at work to let me know he had to use the car as he had an emergency dental appointment because his gums were bothering him....FLASHBACK to December 2016 in Samara, Costa Rica. Less than a week into our vacation, Tom's right side of his mouth, on the cheek looked like a golf ball. Luckily, just up the street was a medical clinic, which is where we met Dr. Freddy who spoke English fluently, and his certificates in the waiting room told us that he had interned in Miami, breath of relief for 2 reasons: first, language would not be a barrier, and secondly, he was well trained. Long and short of it was that Tom had a staff infection, which started in his mouth....the same side he was currently experiencing problems..oh no! So, ends up he has an abscess which they drain, and since the office is closed on Friday December, 23rd, (Due to Christmas), an appointment was made for Tom to see a specialist on December 22nd. The end result of that visit was that Tom needed a root canal and if he were to have it on the 23rd, he would need to stay close by as there was a high risk of reinfection. In other words, he would not be able to go to Ecuador on December 24th. This problem with his tooth was several years old and was because that tooth needed a root canal several years ago. Another option was to continue with his current antibiotics and a prescription was made and filled in the event the tooth started to bother him while in Ecuador. Needless to say, he's here with me and a root canal has been booked a couple of days after we get back from our vacation. Truly I did not know until the day of our trip if Tom was coming, regardless, we had decided that I should go without him and he would join me later on (FYI don't believe he would have joined me, cause he is a very nervous flyer)

Pearson Airport, Toronto

Pearson Airport, Toronto

A slight incline to get to our room

A slight incline to get to our room

Posted by Rhondalee 17:00 Archived in Ecuador

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